In one passage, after recalling that the Fathers of the Church, when they “sing the praises of this Mystical Body of Christ, with its ministries, its variety of ranks, its officers, it conditions, its orders,” were also thinking of the laity, whether or single or married, the Pontiff added: “Indeed, let this be clearly understood, especially in our days, fathers and mothers of families, those who are godparents through Baptism, and in particular those members of the laity who collaborate with the ecclesiastical hierarchy in spreading the Kingdom of the Divine Redeemer occupy an honorable, if often a lowly, place in the Christian community, and even they under the impulse of God and with His help, can reach the heights of supreme holiness, which, Jesus Christ has promised, will never be wanting to the Church.”

In 1944, in the midst of the Second World War, Pius XII published the encyclical Mystici Corporis Christi, dedicated to the Church, the Mystical Body of Christ.