Profile line human design
Profile line human design

profile line human design

Every one offers perspective + insight into the qualities you want to lean into (and out of). They all vary, but they are essentially each a part of the flower. One way to think of them is as parts of the same flower, or even petals. We should absolutely read the line of our Gate as a more specific interpretation for each of us AND regardless of what Line you carry in your definition, you will most likely find wisdom in each of the aspects as they are all part of the whole. The lines add nuance to an overarching theme or archetype you carry in your definition. That being said, I always recommend reading them all. Inside the Collective I do go into the Lines of each Gate as well as inside The Meeting Ground, speaking to the lines of a specific planetary placement. For instance, say you are a 3/5 profile but throughout the rest of your placements you have an abundance of the number four, then that line and its characteristics could also be particularly influential in your life as a whole. It is also often recommend to scan the lines to see if you have an abundance of any other line. The rest of the lines flavor the Gates in all of their planetary placements. And, you will have a four after the Gate of your Unconscious Sun in your Body Design at the top of the red column on the left side of the Bodygraph.

profile line human design

If you are a 2/4 (like me) then you have a 2 after the Gate of your Personality Sun at the top of the right, black column. This means your Profile is read backwards. The Lines become additionally important when it comes to your Sun Gates as your Conscious + Unconscious Sun make up the Gates of your Profile respectively. Both columns are full of the Gates we carry in our definition in various planetary placement and following the number of each gate is a line (1-6) that colors the narrative of that archetype. These are the parts of our chart that we are less consciously aware of. The Body Design on the left is calculated about 88 astrological degrees from the moment of your birth, or roughly three months prior. Our Personality Design is calculated at our exact time of birth, this corresponds with planetary placements you will see if you pull up your natal chart. We have two birthdays essentially when it comes to Human Design and one accounts for our Personality, Mind or Conscious Design which you see represented in the black column on the right of your Bodygraph and on the other side, our Body, or Unconscious Design which you see in the red column on the left.

Profile line human design