I even tried re-writing the manifest of the project but not going anywhere with it. Select the menu, and click on GB Settings. Click on menu from the top right side corner of the app.

In the app, click on the three dots at the top right corner. Download Whatsapp plus & Gbwhatsapp from Now open the app on your screen. You must get the file data when you receive the intent answer, in the onActivityResult method. Steps to Download and Apply GB Whatsapp Themes: Get the latest version of Whatsapp mods. There are few solutions online which says to edit an export field in am working on the project of capturing photos or picking images from gallery and show it in the recycler view, the app is working good in Android-lollipop but crashes in marshmallow one as soon as camera button is clicked giving the exception Caused by: : Permission Denial: writing .MediaProvider uri content://media/external/images/media from pid=1983, uid=10060 requires android.permission. I have tried all suggestions made on stackoverflow (check for duplicates in manifest file add android:exported'true' to lib manifest Eclipse> Project> Clean adding/ modifying 'intent-filter' tags etc.). Apparently it is due to a permissions change by the google photos provider: For security reasons, the permissions are temporary, so once the client app's task stack is finished, the file is no longer accessible. Tried for other native apps by changing app package and activity and still getting the same error for all the apps tried. DesiredCapabilities caps = new DesiredCapabilities() Ĭaps.setCapability("deviceName", "Mobile") Ĭaps.setCapability("udid", "520042c3b5e5") Ĭaps.setCapability("platformName", "Android") Ĭaps.setCapability("platformVersion", "8.0.0") Ĭaps.setCapability("appPackage", "in.") Ĭaps.setCapability("appActivity", ".web.MShopWebGatewayActivity") ĪppiumDriver driver = new AndroidDriver(new URL(""), caps) Īmazon mobile application should get opened but Security exception: Permission Denial error message is displayed.

As a temporary workaround, drop your targetSdkVersion below 23. The Desired capabilities are set correctly but none of the apps are getting opened. For these permissions, not only does your targetSdkVersion 23+ app need to have the element (s), but you also have to ask for those permissions at runtime from the user on Android 6.0+ devices, using methods like checkSelfPermission () and requestPermissions (). Stderr: 'Security exception: Permission Denial: starting Intent from null (pid=20930, uid=2000) not exported from uid 10178' Tested multiple android native applications using appium/selenium automation script but none of the applications are getting opened and getting the following error message